1.Your middle name, and how you feel about it.
My middle name is Paola, I hate it. That pretty much says it all, right? Me molesta de por si que mi nombre es tan común, cuántas Rominas y cuántas Rominas Paolas! X_X I hate it... can't take lack of orginallity, so... I'm just Rom... Rome... Roma... the rest, oh well.... I guess u got the wrong girl JUM
2.Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.
3.Your favorite television program.
4.Write about your closest friend(s).
5.Tell us your three favorite colors.
6.Your favorite season, and why.
7.How you came across tumblr, and how your life has changed since joining.
8.Are you a fitness guru or a couch potato? Talk about your exercise habits.
9.Favorite meme at the moment.
10.Talk about your pets, or the pets you would like to have.
11.Your top three favorite bands.
12.Your thoughts or opinions on Harry Potter.
13.Your thoughts or opinions on Mean Girls.
14.Do you have siblings? Talk about them, or talk about what it’s like to be an only child.
15.Tell us your favorite junk food.
16.Your favorite Disney Princess movie.
17.Your thoughts on Ugg boots.
18.Do you drink soda more often than milk?
19.The initials of your crush(es).
20.Do you wear glasses? If so, what are they for?
21.Your favorite subject to study.
22.Do you play a sport? Tell us about it. If not, talk about a different hobby you may have.
23.Your opinions on Lady Gaga.
24.Tell us about the last movie you saw in theatres.
25.Tell us about the last book you read (for leisure or for school).
26.Name one place you would love to visit one day.
27.List your three favorite girls names, three favorite boys names, and your three favorite names for a pet.
28.Your first celebrity crush.
29.Your opinions on the television show Glee.
30.Take a picture of yourself right now and post it, or put the most recent picture you can find.
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